Adaptive Investments offers plan sponsors ERISA 3(38) services; utilizing our expertise to screen, monitor and recommend investment options for plan sponsors.

Adaptive Investments has partnered with fi360 to analyze and monitor Fund management and performance. Utilizing their award winning software, enables us to select and monitor optimal investment options for employer retirement offerings .  By focusing on consistent returns, investment management at a fair price, and management longevity, we can assure we are providing a winning platform of investment choices.  A daily review of investment offerings is provided via our daily retirement monitor.  This allows our team, advisors, employers and employees the ability to monitor product performance on a daily bases. We believe this transparency is invaluable.

Adaptive Investments believes that education is a key component of each employee’s financial journey. Being an educated investor may help them be better prepared for their financial future. With that in mind, we have created ‘Auto-Educate®.’

What is Auto-Educate®?

Auto-Educate® is a simple, one-page form or online form that allows employees to select from service opportunities that address their goals. Once an employee has completed the form and returned it to their company's Plan contact, Adaptive Investments will review and respond to the employee’s financial needs.

Investment performance matters, as it is what helps build wealth and a happier retirement.  Since it is our focus; an outstanding fund line-up is critical.  

Many retirement plans offer Traditional and Target Date Investment solutions from a single Investment Firm.

By selecting, “best in class“ investment management, from the entire universe of options, employees experience an enhanced retirement offering.

SMART Portfolios are provided as an added plan option. This offering is designed for employees, desiring more active management, over all market conditions.